17/02/2025 Պետական եկամուտների կոմիտեն տեղեկացնում է ։ Պարտադիր դրոշմավորման ենթակա ապրանքները Պետական եկամուտների կոմիտեն տեղեկացնում է, որ նույնականացման միջոցներով ապրանքների դրոշմավորումը ներ...
Balance Sheet Accounting Company 06/02/2025 Balance Sheet Accounting Company started its operations in 2...
How to submit an income tax return 29/01/2025 RA residents submitting an annual income declaration RA citi...
Ինչ է հայտարարագիրը ։ Ինչ պետք է իմանալ 23/01/2025 Հայտարարագիրը (կամ նշում)՝ որպես իրավաբանական փաստաթուղթ, հա...
Accounting: What is important? 19/01/2025 The work of an accountant is very versatile and interesting, as it involves managing finances, calcu...
The role of accounting in business management: the key to a company’s success 07/01/2025 The Role of Accounting in Business Management Accounting is an integral part of any business, regard...
Internal audit: What is important? 05/12/2024 Internal Audit Objective The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness, operational eff...
Tax advice. how to choose specialists to optimize tax obligations 19/11/2024 Tax advice Tax consulting is an important element of modern business, which helps companies and indi...
Accounting services. nature, types and features of selection 07/11/2024 Accounting is the basis of financial stability and transparency of any company, regardless of its si...
10 major financial mistakes 31/07/2024 You are not saving money It seems that only lazy people haven’t written about this financial l...
Accounting services 23/06/2024 Balance Sheet LLC was founded in 2008 and began its activities in the city of Alaverdi. Having achie...
Accounting services. Development history 20/05/2024 Accounting services. To its modern form, bookkeeping has come a long way from primitive oral calcula...
The deadline for submitting the annual income tax statement for 2023 is postponed until July 22 17/04/2024 The deadline for submitting the annual income tax statement for 2023 is postponed until July 22 The ...
What you need to know about the universal declaration of income of individuals 04/04/2024 What you need to know about the universal declaration of income of individuals How to submit a decla...
Who is an accountant and why is he needed? 27/03/2024 Who is the accountant? An accountant is a financial professional who is responsible for recording an...
SRC launched the unified system of electronic services for individuals 22/03/2024 The unified system of electronic services of individuals has been launched. By the way, all those pe...