SRC launched the unified system of electronic services for individuals

The unified system of electronic services of individuals has been launched.

By the way, all those persons who have a 20% or more share in LLCs, JSCs, CJSCs, as well as individuals who own real estate for rent, must submit an electronic declaration.

The State Revenue Committee launched the unified system of electronic services for individuals, which is available in the web version: Through the system, citizens can submit a general declaration of income.

On the “I am” national identification platform, natural persons have the opportunity to register with the tax authority in a simplified manner and obtain a taxpayer registration number (TAN), see their income and social expenses, submit an “Income tax and social contribution calculation (declaration)” and receive reimbursement of expenses .

SRC reminds the citizens submitting a declaration once again that in order to submit a declaration, a person’s identification process must be carried out in advance and an electronic signature must be obtained.

There are two ways to identify a person on the “I am” platform: through a mobile phone or with an identification card containing an electronic carrier. You can find the sequence of steps here. And in the presence of an already functioning or active electronic identification and electronic signature with any of these options, no additional action is required.

The system is trilingual: Armenian, English and Russian. In case of failure to submit the calculation-declaration within the specified period, measures of responsibility are defined. in case of non-submission for the first time, a warning is applied, then a fine.